As cries of pain echo loud,

The poor, the animals, all unfurled,

Their grievances, a sorrowful shroud.

The chasm between rich and poor,

A chasm too wide to ignore,

The healthy with power, the aged unsure,

A world where injustice does roar.

The opulence of the privileged few,

Contrasts starkly with the impoverished many,

A world where the strong prey on the weak anew,

A reality that's anything but sunny.

But let us not lose hope,

For the world is a shared abode,

With love, we can learn to cope,

And lighten each other's load.

Let's embrace our humanity,

Our similarities and differences alike,

And strive for unity with humility,

With compassion, we can rewrite.

For every life is precious,

Regardless of status or creed,

Let's work towards a world that's generous,

With kindness, the ultimate